Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Plea to Victoria's Secret

Last week temperatures in my area were at record lows. In the negatives in the mornings and single digits during the day. But despite this killer cold and school closings and poor road conditions, there was one thing that could be counted on - the US Postal Service.

I arrived home from work that day and checked the mail as usual to discover not one, not two, not even a mere three, but FOUR, yes FOUR DIFFERENT Victoria's Secret catalogs waiting for me. It's bad enough that I typically receive two or three catalogs from VS each week (all of which end up in the garbage anyway), but getting four in the same day has convinced me that VS is being run by wasteful morons that also have no sympathy for the diligent postal worker. That poor guy had to be outside walking from house to house in sub-zero temperatures, no doubt delivering very important correspondence to other folks, but not my house, no, the only items delivered to my house that day were those four catalogs and some other wasteful marketing materials. Not one bit of remotely necessary mail was delivered that day. I felt terrible for the postman.

Victoria's Secret - Please stop sending all these catalogs! They are a waste of paper and the human energy required to produce them. One catalog a month would be more than sufficient for this consumer. And I'm sure the postman would appreciate the load of crap off of his back.

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