Friday, May 16, 2008

I Love Robots

A brief introduction to myself: I'm a horrible housekeeper. There are certain chores I enjoy, but the down and dirty work of keeping a house is like torture for me. I've been this way my entire life, and it isn't going to change. When I was a little girl and my bedroom was super messy and my mother would get to the end of her rope and ask me "What are you going to do when you grow up and have to keep an whole house clean!?!?!?" I would answer her "I'll have a maid!". She would get even more frustrated at that answer. Luckily that little prediction of mine did come true and I'm forever grateful for the various housekeepers that have helped keep my house clean and sanitary over the years. There are a few things I don't expect my housekeepers to do and that includes mopping floors. There were many months that the tile floors in my home were neglected.

And then I met Scooba.

Scooba is a robot that mops your floors! Scooba was introduced to me by my husband. He showed me an online video demonstration of the Scooba in action. At first it looked way too good to be true. A robot that vacuums, scrubs, and dries the floor. Could it really work as well as it is advertised? Always the skeptic, I had to do a little more research. Turns out that iRobot not only makes robots that perform dreaded household chores, they also make robots for the military! Robots that cab detect mines, bombs, and perform other dangerous tasks in place of a human. I thought if the military trusts iRobots enough to use them to help save soldiers' lives, I can certainly give them a try to keep my floors clean!

So I placed my order. In addition to the robot I went ahead and ordered some extra parts and a case of the special cleaning fluid. The robot arrived a few days later and the fun began!

It was very easy to get started with Scooba. The instructions are very well written and the robot is very user friendly. I was able to set Scooba to work within an hour of being unpacked. It was amazing to watch it go around my ceramic tile kitchen floor scrubbing away. About 45 minutes later Scooba was finished and my floors were amazingly brighter. I couldn't believe it! When I emptied the tank of dirty water what came out was nothing short of disgusting. Thanks Scooba for cleaning all of that up!

Scooba has been cleaning my floors for over 2 years at this point. It's required very little maintenance and is probably my favorite housekeeping purchase ever. If you are looking for a floor mopping solution I highly recommend iRobot's Scooba line of floor cleaning robots.

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